Russia: the streets of the Tsars

The roads of the Tsars – St. Petersburg and Moscow through the Baltic Republics
A journey that will lead us to the discovery of enchanting places rich in history and nature. We will cross Poland until we reach the three Baltic Republics and up, up to Tallin, from where our transfer will begin to discover one of the most loved cities in the world: St. Petersburg. Our journey in Russia will be accompanied by Russian guides, in Italian, who will tell us about a world so close to us and in some respects still unknown. Moscow, the great capital to be discovered and understood. To then return to Latvia and then in the south-east direction, towards Poland and Germany. A unique motorcycle trip, made up of many kilometers and beautiful roads.

Il Tour in breve

Duration: 20 days / 19 nights.
Mileage: about 8.500.
Arrival/Departure: Tarvisio / Munich.
Level: medium.
Min/Max partecipants: 12/24.
Hotel: 3 / 4 / 5 & typical.
Hightlights: Vienna, Prague, Vilnius, Riga, Tallin, Krakow, Warsaw, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novgorod, Wroclaw, Munich.

mappa russia


Day 1 - Tarvisio / Vienna (380 Km)

Meeting in Tarvisio with all the participants, where we will hold a short briefing to present the trip before departure. Once the introductions are over, we immediately get on the saddle to head to Vienna: the ancient and fascinating capital of the Habsburg empire, with arrival expected in the early afternoon. Once in Vienna we will settle in the hotel and we will take the opportunity to make a short visit to the city, then dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2 - Vienna / Krakow (430 Km)

Stop in Krakow: a splendid medieval city, once the capital of Poland, and still today one of the most important and ancient in the country. Krakow has seen its fame increased also for having hosted as Archbishop Karol Wojtyla: the late Pope John Paul II. The perfectly preserved and well-maintained medieval old town of Krakow is inscribed on the UNESCO list as a World Heritage Site.

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Day 3 - Krakow / Warsaw (300 Km)

Stop in Wielicza where we will visit the famous salt mines of the thirteenth century and among the oldest in the world. The visit lasts about 2 hours, it goes down to 120 meters and the show is truly amazing: in addition to the tunnels and galleries that make us realize how hard the life of the miners was, the mines are a real underground museum full of works of art. ‘art, statues, chandeliers, candelabra, rooms and even a real Cathedral complete with altar, crosses and seats. A truly breathtaking visit to a unique place that is almost worth the entire trip! After lunch, stop towards Warsaw, short visit to the historic center and then dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4 - Warsaw / Vilnius (460 Km)

Stop in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, a city very famous for its Baroque architecture and its medieval old town. Like all the Baltic Republics, it experienced a new youth after independence from the Soviet Union, obtained in 1991, and today it presents itself as a modern city rich in art and culture but also in parks and green spaces.

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Day 5 - Vilnius / Riga (295 Km)

Stage in the direction of Riga, known as the “Paris of the Baltic”, the capital of Latvia. The city boasts a perfectly preserved medieval historic center, with the characteristic facades of the houses decorated in wood, and included in the UNESCO list as a World Heritage Site. Riga also has the richest Art Nouveau architecture (also called Art Nouveau) in the world.

Day 6 - Riga / Tallin (315 Km)

Tallinn: last stop on our tour in the Baltics. City of ancient charm where the medieval old town coexists with skyscrapers and modern buildings built in the last 30 years, after regained independence. Overlooking the Gulf of Finland, Tallinn was one of the most important cities of the Hanseatic League and is home to one of the best preserved medieval historic centers in Europe, which has also become a UNESCO heritage site. A truly extraordinary city where ancient and modern coexist harmoniously giving life to something unique.

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Day 7 - Tallin / Narva / Saint Petersburg (380 Km)

Departure to Narva, where we will cross the border with Russia, then off towards the splendid St. Petersburg: the capital of the Tsars. Overlooking the Gulf of Finland, on the delta of the Neva River, it is the northernmost metropolis in the world. Despite being a “young” city, having been founded by Tsar Peter the Great only in 1703, it can boast sumptuous and very rich architecture that make it one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Day 8 - St. Petersburg

Before the two days dedicated to the discovery of this splendid city: in the morning we will go to the center of the embarkation on the Neva, and then we will take the boat in front of the Hermitage to reach the Peterhof: the sumptuous summer residence of the Tsars, also known as the “Versailles ”Russa: a huge residential complex made up of sumptuous palaces and magnificent gardens built on the Gulf of Finland. After the visit we will return to the city to visit the monumental complex of the Hermitage, with the homonymous museum, the Palace Square and the famous Winter Palace.

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Day 9 - St. Petersburg

Second day dedicated to the discovery of St. Petersburg for a day dedicated to Art and Culture: today we will visit the famous Nevsky Prospect, the Fortress of the Most Holy Peter and Paul, St. Isaac’s Cathedral and the Church of the Savior on Blood Poured out.

Day 10 - St. Petersburg / Novgorod / Valdaj (400 Km)

We leave the splendid capital of the Tsars and head south. First stop with a stop for lunch in Veliky Novgorod, the capital of the ancient republic of Novgorod and a city rich in history that is home to the oldest Kremlin in Russia. Then we continue south to reach Valdaj where a splendid typical evening awaits us in the company of Russian folk music artists.

Day 11 - Valdaj / Moscow (400 Km)

We leave Valdaj and head south towards Moscow, arriving in the late afternoon. Dinner and overnight.

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Day 12 - Moscow

First day in the Russian capital: very attractive city and great international capital where nine centuries of history are concentrated, with the Kremlin, Red Square and St. Basil’s Cathedral forming the central architectural complex and which we will visit during the day, then we will move on to admire the splendid Metro and end the day at the magnificent GUM Shopping Center.

Day 13 - Moscow

Day dedicated to the discovery of Russian art with a series of guided tours. First stop in Arbat, the famous street located in the heart of the historic center, an important commercial area and prestigious residential area, home to many nobles, today full of souvenir shops. Second stop at the famous Pushkin Museum and then visit the Novodevichy Monastery. Depending on the time that will remain at our disposal, we will be able to take a bus tour of the city to discover Gorky Park or a visit to the famous Tretyakov Gallery which houses the largest collection of Russian Fine Arts in the world.

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Day 14 - Moscow / Derbovezh (380 Km)

Today we will leave Moscow and head west. First stop at the ancient Monastery of Zvenigorod, built on the bank of the Moskva River, famous for being one of the favorite places of worship for the Tsars. In the ancient monastery and in the short visit of this small city we will be able to breathe, as in Veliky Novgorod, the atmosphere of the most traditional and authentic Russia. We then continue west to reach the lake of Derbovezh, in the territory of the small municipality of Solomkino, where we will spend the night in a typical hotel with the possibility of using the sauna and a regenerating dip in the lake. We will then spend our last evening in Russia in joy with a typical local dinner.

Day 15 - Derbovezh / Daugavpils (400 Km)

We leave Derbovezh early in the morning for a new leg to the west in the direction of Latvia. We will cross the border, leaving Russia, and then we will head to Daugavpils, the second city of the country and an ancient stronghold of the Teutonic Order.

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Day 16 - Daugavpils / Bialystok (480 Km)

We leave Latvia and continue south-west towards Poland to reach Bialystok in the afternoon, the capital of the Podlaskie region and a fascinating city located in a region rich in scenic and architectural beauties. The Branicki residence, also known as the Versailles of the Podlaskie region, is one of the main attractions of the city. Bialystok includes buildings in the Renaissance, Gothic, Classicistic and Eclectic styles, as well as numerous buildings of sacred art.

Day 17 - Bialystok / Wroclaw (490 km)

Today we will head to Wrocław (in Polish Wrocław): one of the oldest and most fascinating cities in Poland, the capital of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship. The city, with its typical medieval style, hosts a very rich historic center which has its heart in the famous Piazza del Mercato, surrounded by splendid buildings, with numerous clubs of all kinds and always animated by a sparkling nightlife.

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Day 18 - Wroclaw / Prague (335 km)

We leave Poland and head towards Prague: the capital of the Czech Republic and certainly one of the most beautiful cities in Europe that hosts one of the most varied architectural collections in the world. Visit to the historic center, in the charming Old Town, and unmissable appointment with its famous astronomical clock that has marked the passage of time since 1410 and at the stroke of every hour it shows its amazing animated figures.

Day 19 - Prague / Munich (380 km)

Last stop on our wonderful journey. Today we will leave Prague and head to Germany, with a stop in Munich. After a visit to the city and its beautiful old town, our journey will end in the legendary Hofbräuhaus: one of the oldest and most famous breweries in Germany, known throughout the world.

Day 20

Departure from Munich and return to Italy.

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Dates and Prices

Upcoming departures


camera matrimoniale
Rider and passenger in a double room

€ 2.990,00

per person
camera doppia condivisa
Rider in a shared room

€ 3.190,00

per person
camera singola
Rider in single room

€ 3.790,00

per person

Included Services

Insurance policy “Motoexplora senza pensieri” with:

Trip cancellation;
Theft or damage to luggage;
Medical assistance;

19 breakfasts;
7 dinners;
19 overnight stays in a double or single room in excellent facilities;
Guided tours in Moscow and St. Petersburg;;
Tour leader in motorbike;
Russian Tour leader in motorbike;
Support vehicle (with a minimum of 10 participants);
Souvenir & gadgets by Motoexplora;

NOT Included Services

Motorway tolls;
Drinks with meals;
Entrance tickets and guided visits to museums or archaeological sites;
Registration fee: € 50.00 per person;
Cost of the russian VISA: € 70.00 per person;
All extras of a personal nature and anything not expressly indicated in the “included services” item;


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N.B. The program may be subject to changes at any time and without notice, due to force majeure or its improvement.
