Tunisia: a tea in the desert

Leaning towards Italy on the one hand and with deep roots in the Sahara on the other, Tunisia is par excellence the link between Europe and Africa, between East and West. Characterized since ancient times by the presence of great civilizations, Tunisia was the center of the Carthage empire, of which popular traditions remain that perpetuate its distant heritage. Prominent historical monuments, such as the Ribat or the great Mosques of Tunis and Kairouan, testify to the first centuries of Arab-Islamic civilization. For a long time a province of the Ottoman Empire, Tunisia also absorbed Turkish influence. Over the course of time, Andalusians, Jews, Italians, Maltese and others have found a welcome here and have enriched the Tunisian culture with all the facets of the Mediterranean. Ours is a journey through history, the legendary roads and the wonders of a unique land.

The Tour in brief

Duration: 10 day / 9 nights.
Mileage: about 1.800.
Arrival/Departure: Genova – Civitavecchia / Palermo – Tunisi.
Level: easy.
Min/Max partecipants: 12/30.
Hotel: 4 / 5 and typical.
Hightlights: Tunis, Hammamet, Kairouan, Sbeitla, Gafsa, Tozeur, Douz, Matmata, Tataouine, Monastir.

tunisia mappa


Day 1 - Boarding from Italy

Day 2 - Tunis / Hammamet (Km 90)

Arrival in Tunis landing operations. Transfer to the hotel in Hammamet, accommodation, dinner and overnight.

Day 3 - Hammamet / Kairouan / Sbeitla (Km 248)

Early in the morning, after breakfast, departure for SBEITLA. We will travel along roads with little traffic that will lead us to KAIROUAN, one of the holy cities of Islam, where every good Muslim must make at least one pilgrimage during his life. We will visit the Great Mosque, one of the largest and most representative of the Islamic world; the Three Doors Mosque, one of the buildings in the region, we will also visit the beautiful Medina and the Souk. Free lunch or at a private house and continuation to SBEITLA, an ancient Roman city of the II century. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

motoexplora tunisia lat 1

Day 4 - Sbeitla / Gafsa / Tozeur (Km 215)

After breakfast, departure for TOZEUR and the mountain oases. CHEBIKA and TAMERZA, true jewels of nature with small waterfalls, palm groves and an almost lunar mountain landscape. Lunch at the Tamerza waterfall. After admiring the oases, we will ride the famous Rommel track in the late afternoon arriving at the hotel.

Day 5 - Tozeur / Douz (Km 195)

Departure early in the morning, after breakfast, to visit the film set in Nefta where scenes from the film “star wars” were subsequently made and after admiring the Chot El Jerid, the great white desert, along an alternative road we will arrive in Douz .

Day 6 - Douz: the gateway to the Desert

We will have time to get ready, leave our bikes and thanks to the help of Bedouin friends we will have a unique experience! not the usual caravan reserved for tourists! but something very intimate and genuine: a journey on the back of a camel (dromedary) up to an oasis in the desert where we will dine under a starry sky, then return to the hotel.

motoexplora tunisia lat 2

Day 7 - Douz / Tamezret / Matmata / Tataouine (Km 260)

After breakfast and very calmly we will leave for MATMATA, along a desert track (asphalted) that winds through the dunes of SAHARA. Along the way, visit TAMEZRET, a small Berber village, whose houses are partly excavated on the hillside and then completed on the outside with local stone walls. The discovery of small villages until reaching Tataouine.

Day 8 - Gabes / Sfax / Monastir (Km 250)

Early in the morning, after breakfast, departure for a stop at El Jem to visit and immerse ourselves in the life that revolves around the great “Colosseum”. Free lunch and continuation to Monastir. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 9 - Monastir / Tunis (Km 210)

Calmly in the morning, transfer to Tunis for boarding.

Day 10 - Return to Italy

motoexplora tunisia lat 3

Dates and Prices

Upcoming departures











camera matrimoniale
Rider and passenger in a double room

€ 1.590,00

per person
camera doppia condivisa
Rider in a shared room

€ 1.890,00

per person
camera singola
Rider in single room

€ 2.190,00

per person

Included Services

Insurance policy “Motoexplora senza pensieri” with:

Trip cancellation;
Theft or damage to luggage;
Medical assistance;

7 breakfasts;
3 lunches;
3 dinners;
7 overnight stays in a double or single room in excellent facilities;
Ferry (round trip) in double cabin;
Tour leader in motorbike;
Support vehicle (with a minimum of 20 participants);
Souvenir & gadgets by Motoexplora;

NOT Included Services

Motorway tolls;
Drinks with meals;
Entrance tickets and guided visits to museums or archaeological sites;
Registration fee: € 50.00 per person;
All extras of a personal nature and anything not expressly indicated in the “included services” item;


Do you want to receive more information or participate in the trip? Fill out the form below, or contact us by phone or on WhatsApp.

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N.B. The program may be subject to changes at any time and without notice, due to force majeure or its improvement.
