Villages of Sicily

A unique journey that lives through roads and places out of the ordinary tourism. The many uncontaminated villages, unique in their beauty, where time seems to have stopped in the past. Villages where it is always a pleasure to stop for a coffee and chat with the locals who are always ready to tell and tell each other. The roads and alternative routes that we will travel, away from car traffic, will give us the joy of traveling by motorbike. Discovering a different Sicily, perhaps closer to that of an ancient and welcoming land, is what we propose. For the type of route developed, a maximum number of 8 crews is foreseen. Medium motorcycle difficulty – reserved trip for up to 8 crews

The Tour in brief

Duration: 8 days / 7 nights.
Mileage: about 1.200.
Arrival/Departure: Genova/Civitavecchia – Palermo.
Level: medium.
Min/Max participants: 8/12.
Hotel: 3 / 4 and typical.
Highlights: Caccamo, Gangi, Randazzo, Novara di Sicilia, Acitrezza, Carcaci, Grammichele, Buccheri, Ferla, Marzamemi, Niscemi, Sambuca, Calatafimi, Erice, Caltabellotta.

mappa borghi siciliani


Day 1

Departure by ferry from Genoa and / or Civitavecchia

Day 2 - about 270 km

Arrival in Palermo and immediately we will leave to discover unspoiled corners of Sicily, we will make a first stop in Caccamo, with its Castle, and then head to Cerda, a town belonging to the historic “Targa Florio” circuit we will pass through the Madonie to reach the Tyrrhenian Sea with a stop in Cefalù.

Day 3 - about 250 km

From Cefalù we will return to the Madonie until we reach Gangi, we will pass by Sperlinga and its castle and then discover the beauty of the Nebrodi which we will travel from south to north and vice versa. We will pass through small villages such as, for example, San Fratello and Bronte, famous for its pistachio. Until you reach the noble Randazzo with its medieval buildings.

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Day 4 - about 250 km

We will leave Randazzo to head north until we reach Capo d’Orlando, then through the SS 113, a wonderful road that runs along the Tyrrhenian Sea, we will discover the SS185 stopping in Novara di Sicilia, a wonderful village rich in history. Later destination Etna and in the evening arrival in Acitrezza, a seaside village of the Malavoglia.

Day 5 - about 270 km

Early in the morning and after having witnessed the sunrise which, as its frame, is dressed up with the stacks of Acitrezza, mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey, destination Crateri Silvestri on Etna then we will discover the abandoned village of Carcaci and subsequently we will visit the Roman Villa of Casale, an ancient villa of the late Roman Empire famous for its mosaics. Then on roads that run through the heart of the Sicilian granary we will return to Acitrezza

Day 6 - about 270 km

At the edge of the Hyblaean mountains we will discover Grammichele, a rare example of a city with a hexagonal plan, then small villages such as Buccheri and Ferla will welcome us with their beauty made of simplicity and the beauty of Sicilian Baroque. We will discover the seaside village of Marzamemi, then Scicli until we reach Modica.

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Day 7 - about 290 Km

We will leave the eastern area of Sicily for Sambuca, on the way we will pass through Niscemi, on the edge of the Erei mountains, we will discover the castle of Mussomeli and the legend linked to his ghost and then discover the beauty of Palazzo Adriano, a small village where it was filmed. the wonderful film “Nuovo cinema Paradiso” in the evening arrival at the hotel.

Day 8 - about 250 km

Another splendid day of motorcycles on alternative roads, as a first stop we will go to the discovery of the “Pianto romano” monument dedicated to the famous battle of Calatafimi, the place where Garibaldi pronounced the famous phrase “here either you make Italy or you die” then we will visit the temple of Segesta, temple of Trojan origin. Then Erice and then enjoy a unique view of the Saline di Trapani, famous for its windmills. In the evening, return to Sambuca di Sicilia.

Day 9 - about 175 km

Last day of our trip to Sicily, our first stop will push us south to Caltabellotta, then towards Palermo, passing through villages like Bisacquino and Corleone. We will discover the Bourbon hunting lodge in the Ficuzza wood. To then reach Piana degli Albanesi. In the early afternoon, I arrive in Palermo for boarding.

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Dates and Prices

Upcoming departures


camera matrimoniale
Rider and passenger in a double room

€ 1.190,00

per person
camera doppia condivisa
Rider in a shared room

€ 1.390,00

per person
camera singola
Rider in single room

€ 1.590,00

per person

Included Services

Insurance policy “Motoexplora senza pensieri” with:

Trip cancellation;
Theft or damage to luggage;
Medical assistance;

7 breakfasts;
7 dinners;
7 overnight stays in a double or single room in excellent facilities;
Tour leader on motorbike;
Souvenir & gadgets by Motoexplora;

NOT Included Services

Motorway tolls;
Drinks with meals;
Entrance tickets and guided visits to museums or archaeological sites;
Registration fee: € 50.00 per person;
All extras of a personal nature and anything not expressly indicated in the “included services” item;


Do you want to receive more information or participate in the trip? Fill out the form below, or contact us by phone or on WhatsApp.

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N.B. The program may be subject to changes at any time and without notice, due to force majeure or its improvement.
